Birth Client Interview and Birth Story


Usually, I am the one looking for words to tell my clients stories and write blogs. This time I thought I would do something different…

My client reached out to me early in her pregnancy… Like really early (13 weeks). We spoke on the phone and she told me her story. She mentioned both her and her husband were in the military and sadly her husband wasn't able to be at the birth of their oldest because he was on job orders at another location. You could hear in her voice that she still mourned him not being able to be at the birth.

She decided she wanted to hire a birth photographer and she reach out to me!

Below are some questions I asked her and images from their BEAUTIFUL birth.

Let's go back to early pregnancy, what was your first reaction/emotions when you learned you were pregnant? Were you in shock, with mixed emotions, ecstatic, sad, happy but worried?

Well, it took over a year to get pregnant and we were looking at fertility treatments so when I became pregnant with Killian I was over the moon excited! I called my best friend and we just screamed back and forth for 5 mins. I was so used to seeing the words “not pregnant” on tests that when “pregnant” showed up I was in pure disbelief. 

After you learned you were pregnant, what were the first things you decided to do?

I decided that I wanted to have more of a voice in my birth that time around, I also wanted to document it since it was our miracle babe. 


How did you decide that you were interested in having a birth photographer? How did you learn about birth photography?

I was interested in it after I saw my friends birth photos, I knew I wanted those raw moments and emotions documented. 


How did your partner react when you said you wanted a birth photographer? How did your family react when you said you hired a birth photographer?

My husband was supportive! He basically said anything I wanted that will make me comfortable during my birth.

My family hadn’t heard of anything like that before so they were confused about why anyone would want photos like that. [This reaction is a common reaction of not only family but also partners, there is a common misconception that birth images are ONLY about the vagina, and that's not the case! Birth Photography is much more than that!].

Was there anything that made you nervous about hiring a birth photographer?

Knowing how vocal I am during labor made me nervous about the sounds I may make haha. 

How did it feel to have a photographer in your birth space?

I actually hardly noticed it! Aside from support being given I forgot pictures were being taken as well! 

If you could tell me one thing, what was the most important part of your birth?

Seeing my husband’s reaction to his son being born since he didn’t get to see his daughter born. 

When you got to see the images for the first time, what was your first reaction?

I was floored at how much emotions it brought up! I wasn’t expecting to get emotions seeing them but I definitely did. 

If you could hang up one image from your birth on your wall which one would it be?

I would hang up the one with me bent over in the labor tub and Lloyd holding on to my arms. 

Is there anything you would like to tell other moms about your birth experience and about having a birth photographer? You’ll never regret having a birth photographer! Those photos aren’t something you know you’ll treasure until you have them. Definitely worth the investment. 

Shirley Anne Photography

Shirley Anne Photography specializes in Birth Photography and Motherhood Portraits. Capturing those special times in your life when you welcome a new baby into your world.

Authentic Birth Documentation


In this unique time, let's stay positive!